To manage your account, please navigate to our website and do the following:
- Log in by entering your email address and password.
- Click on your profile picture in the upper left-hand corner.
- You will see the Your Account section, where you can take care of certain aspects of your plan.
Under Account, you can see the name and email address connected to your account and reset your password if needed. Besides, here, you'll have access to legal and privacy information, such as Terms of Service and others.
When you click on Profile, you can see and edit your personal data (current and target weight, height) as well as fitness and nutrition details (activity, meal plan, units).
In the Subscriptions section, check and manage your subscription information if needed. If you purchased your plan on a mobile device, you must check its status in the Google Play Store, Huawei App Gallery, or App Store accordingly.
The last tab, Payments, contains more details about the transaction date, payment method, and other details of your order.