This typically occurs when different subscription plans or additional features and content are purchased. Here's how it works:
Base Subscription Package
- Our main subscription includes a customized plan with workouts, meals, and meditation, depending on the product you discovered.
- However, we may also offer additional options on the сheck-out page or later when you use our products.
- One-time payments. We may offer one-time payment challenges or programs designed specifically for a specific topic that requires a separate payment.
- Subscriptions. We offer premium subscriptions (for example, ones that include personal coaching) in addition to our main subscription.
- If you're not interested in these extra tools, you can choose to skip them.
How Charges Appear
- If you find two different payments on your account, it's likely due to the selection of extra features or tools in addition to your plan.
Prior Information and your choice
All details about our plans and add-ons are displayed on the checkout page for your review.
Remember, any purchase requires your choice. We ensure that no charges are made without your knowledge.