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Currently, there are 7 chapters available. We are working hard on putting together new chapters and we are expecting to introduce new ones quite soon. Please stay tuned for updates to be among the first ones to read our new chapters.
Meanwhile, here are a few articles from our blog to offer you more information:
π Day 1 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy For Weight Loss
π Day 2 Tips And Tricks To Improve Your Eating Habits
π Day 3 Why Do I Overeat? Reasons Why And Tips To Stop This Habit
π Day 4 Weight Loss Rewards: Find Out Healthy Non-Food Options To Keep You Motivated On Your Journey
π Day 5 Swaying Your Dieting Mindset Into The Right Direction
π Day 6 Things To Do Instead Of Eating When Youβre Bored, Sad, Or Stressed
π Day 7 How To Lower Cortisol: Decrease Your Stress Levels And Lose Weight
In order to read the chapters again, please do the following:
- Open the BetterMe app and go to the Plan tab.
- Open the Start With Your Mind section.
- Tap the book icon at the top right corner of the screen.
Once you read a chapter, you will see it here.
Currently, there are 9 chapters available. We are working hard on putting together new chapters and we are expecting to introduce new ones quite soon. Please stay tuned for updates to be among the first ones to read our new chapters.
Meanwhile, here are a few articles from our blog to offer you more information:
π Day 1 Cognitive Behavioral Therapy For Weight Loss
π Day 2 Tips And Tricks To Improve Your Eating Habits
π Day 3 Why Do I Overeat? Reasons Why And Tips To Stop This Habit
π Day 4 Weight Loss Rewards: Find Out Healthy Non-Food Options To Keep You Motivated On Your Journey
π Day 5 Swaying Your Dieting Mindset Into The Right Direction
π Day 6 Things To Do Instead Of Eating When Youβre Bored, Sad, Or Stressed
π Day 7 How To Lower Cortisol: Decrease Your Stress Levels And Lose Weight